Innovate with technology

The Aquilion ONE / PRISM Edition is packed with advanced innovations, including AI-assisted technologies, to increase your clinical confidence and optimise your workflow.

Precise IQ Engine (PIQE)

A new standard in cardiac clarity

PIQE provides improved spatial resolution and 45% reduced noise* for improved in-stent visualisation with clear depiction of vessel lumen to evaluate neointimal hyperplasia and in-stent restenosis. The high contrast to noise properties of PIQE exams also provide better evaluation in heavily calcified coronary arteries with no loss of low contrast detectability* – and these benefits are provided without any additional dose.

Robust for all patients, One beat CTA examinations with PIQE offer:

  • Sharper anatomical detail
  • Reduced calcium blooming
  • No additional dose
  • Isophasic Uniformity

*Compared to AIDR 3D

SilverBeam Filter

CT lung cancer screening at dose levels approaching conventional radiography

Designed to work in combination with AiCE, SilverBeam delivers AI-enhanced, high-quality, low-noise CT lung cancer screening images at the radiation dose on the order of a typical chest X-ray exam.

SilverBeam with AiCE can be used to confidently set up a lung cancer screening service in your hospital.

Advanced intelligent Clear-IQ Engine (AiCE)

See through the noise

CT reconstruction that uses Deep Learning innovation to match the spatial resolution and low-noise properties of advanced model-based iterative reconstructions to produce high quality images without compromising on speed or dose.

  • Low Noise
  • Natural Image Texture*
  • Sharp High Contrast Resolution
  • Clear Low Contrast Detectability

*Natural defined as similar to FBP as compared to MBIR

Learn more about AiCE

Read the white paper on AiCE DLR for whole organ coverage

Deep Learning Spectral

A fully integrated end-to-end spectral workflow

The Aquilion ONE / PRISM Edition harnesses the temporal benefits of rapid kV switching with patient specific mA modulation and combines them with a Deep Learning Reconstruction that delivers excellent energy separation and low-noise properties.

Images can be delivered directly to your reading station, and with our range of new Vitrea™ applications, you can easily analyse comprehensive spectral data, including quantification and multi-layered images for a more detailed and definitive diagnosis.

Discover Spectral

Cardiac CT

A single rotation is all it takes

The Aquilion ONE / PRISM Edition’s 16 cm wide area detector significantly improves your ability to obtain high-quality images consistently across patients. With just one rotation, you can acquire an entire heart, in a fraction of a second, with less dose and great z-axis uniformity.

Neuro CT

When time is brain, every second counts

Canon Medical’s comprehensive stroke evaluation platform performs whole brain perfusion imaging and 4D digital subtraction angiography of the intracranial circulation in just one minute. Plus, with advanced 4D brain perfusion software, you can now evaluate flow and perfusion defects in under five minutes.

Interventional CT

Simple and streamlined CT Fluoroscopy

Conduct faster, more focused interventional procedures with a new hybrid CT Fluoroscopy interface that enables one-handed operation with ergonomically designed controls and a versatile touchscreen tablet.

Watch CT Fluoroscopy video


Workflow efficiencies

Easier and safer for everyone

We’ve improved the entire scan experience – for both patients and staff – with smart technology that does most of the heavy lifting for you.

Quick and convenient access

The shorter flared gantry lets you treat any patient from the front or rear of the tunnel.

Designed to fit most clinical environments

At 19 m2, Aquilion ONE / PRISM Edition is one of the smallest, most space-efficient Spectral CT systems in the market.

Scalable IT

Tailor it to your business

Our IT solutions are dynamic and scalable enough to meet a whole range of needs – whether you’re a smaller clinic or a well-established enterprise. Simply pick and choose the configurations that work for you, and even open the up to remote users, so you’re never confined to a single setting.