Royal Chesterfield Hospital chose a Canon Aplio 500 ultrasound system for its ease-of-use, intuitive user function, 3D functionality and Canon’s highly valued lifetime applications support.
Shown here, (photo: 006-013842), left to right, standing, are Janet Bown, Jane Barnes and Sian Mead sonographers; Justine Walker, matron, Women’s Health Unit; Sally Revell, sonographer; Dawn Ingham, ultrasound account executive, Canon Medical Systems; Clare Worgan and Rebekah Tzavaras , sonographers; Diane Shepherd, lead sonographer and Louise Higgins, applications specialist, Canon Medical Systems. Seated in front, on the left is Ruth Hutchinson, sonographer and on the right, Nioamh Magnier, sonographer
The Aplio 500 offers advanced performance that can be relied on day-after-day. Cost-effective, productive and versatile, it provides superior imaging with outstanding depth and detail. It is configured for use in the busy Women’s Health Unit at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, and replaced an aged Canon system. It comes with extra functionalities and increased image quality that will allow the users to scan patients in a faster time frame. It is also equipped with a wide range of probes for use in scanning women in gynaecology and obstetrics, as well as 3D transvaginal capabilities.
The hospital selected the Canon scanner because of its ease-of-use, intuitive user function, 3D functionality and the lifetime applications support from Canon, which is highly valued. Also included on the system is Canon’s SMI (Superior Micro-vascular Imaging), which complements colour Doppler techniques in visualising small micro-vasculature. In addition, the Aplio 500 is also equipped with 3D packages. Both of these exciting technologies, along with the quick and easy-to-use functions of the system, backed up by Canon’s applications support, improve the patient experience, due to decreased scanning times and improved image quality.
Chesterfield Royal District General Hospital is part of the Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, which covers Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire Dales and North Amber Valley (towards the north); the High Peak and North East Derbyshire, with a total population of 416,762.
Canon Medical Systems has a carbon-zero project in place. We have calculated the carbon footprint for each of our products to including manufacturing, shipping and delivery and average hospital energy used for the standard lifetime of the equipment as follows: Ultrasound equates to 1 stove and 3,415 litres of water