For hospital locations away from the UK mainland, the feeling of being remote and having fewer ‘human’ interactions from the representatives of imaging equipment manufacturers has been a fact of life for a long time. For example, Canon Medical Systems UK has many close relationships with customers located off the UK mainland in locations such as the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands.
Supporting the diagnostic imaging of island customers
Supporting diagnostic imaging systems remotely has been put to the test this year when the Coronavirus pandemic changed health protocols limiting visits to hospitals from external people.
For hospital locations away from the UK mainland, the feeling of being remote and having fewer ‘human’ interactions from the representatives of imaging equipment manufacturers has been a fact of life for a long time. For example, Canon Medical Systems UK has many close relationships with customers located off the UK mainland in locations such as the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands.
“Ultrasound is our frontline diagnostic tool and we use it as much as X-ray. We have had our two Xario ultrasound systems from Canon Medical for many years and are reliant on them for all general imaging work from obstetrics, general surgery and small parts.
The Xario ultrasound is a battery powered unit and gives us a great mobile advantage to take to a patient on the ward or theatre”
Nina Aldridge, Senior Radiographer at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Falkland Islands.

King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) in Stanley, the capital of the Falklands Islands, is located more than 8000 miles from the UK. It is a British territory and has a reciprocal agreement with the NHS. KEMH is the only medical, dental and community health service facility serving the near 4000 inhabitants of the islands, and potentially triple that number of people in the summer period when tourist cruise boats visit.
“The Canon Medical experience is incredibly positive for us – they are so accessible and responsive to our needs. We are a very resilient and forward-thinking nation being in a remote location with only a once-a-month supply boat, so we’re used to not expecting things immediately. But we have instant responses whenever we need them from the Canon Medical team and this is very reassuring to keep our ultrasound imaging service running smoothly and ensuring the highest possible standard of care to our patients,” Nina continues.
“Supporting our customers, wherever they are located is always a key objective,” states Tim Palarm, Regional Ultrasound Manager at Canon Medical Systems UK. “The unique year of 2020 has taught us all that even when we have to be physically apart, we can still communicate with and support our customers virtually using the technologies available. For example, our InnerVision remote service and application support can action software updates or repairs by a Canon Service engineer without the need to visit the location. This means a quicker resolution of issues and ensures maximum equipment ‘up-time’. It can also facilitate screen sharing to talk clinicians through any training or education topics to broaden their knowledge of the system, optimise image quality and, of course, maximise potential when in clinical use with patients.”
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King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) in Stanley, the capital of the Falklands Islands, 8000 miles away from the UK.