Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital recently went live with its new Canon Ultimax-i X-ray system, located in a brand new building, on the site of the old hospital. Canon supplied an Ultimax-i C-arm with overhead tube crane and vertical chest stand, providing a new fluoroscopy service as well as a back-up for the hospital’s general X-ray room. Included in the options purchased by Nuffield Health Cambridge are Canon’s 512-frame Retrospective Fluoro Record and Extension Reference Tool.
Commenting on the new installation, Michelle West, Radiology Manager, says, “The new system, which replaced an old machine, gives us more capabilities to perform different procedures. We chose the unit because we were impressed with the ease-of-use and the imaged quality. With the new Ultimax-i, we are now able to perform interventional procedures, such as lumbar punctures, nephrostomies and joint injection.” Michelle adds, “The Canon staff have been great; very helpful and the training was really flexible for our needs. The trainers have also been in touch a couple of times, post-installation to book more training to fill in any gaps.”
Offering versatility and flexibility, Canon’s Ultimax-i is able to cover a wide range of clinical imaging and interventional needs. It comes with a 43 x 43 flat panel detector and includes an integrated C-arm that eliminates the need for the patient to be moved from the table. Capable of performing multi-purpose examinations, including conventional X-ray, fluoroscopy and angiography, its innovative design enables AP and PA examinations and provides a multi-directional interactive digital C-arm system, which ensures an ideal solution for all patients.
The 512-Retrospective Fluoro Record allows, during normal screening, for any of the last 512-frames of acquisition to be stored for later review, should something of interest be noticed during the fluoro run and the prospective fluoro record was not previously enabled. No additional radiation exposure is required to implement this dose-saving function.
The Extension Reference Tool enables multiple DR images to be acquired by the C-arm X-ray tube and detector, and for the resultant images to be stitched together. Typical examinations include load-bearing leg lengths, long legs and scoliosis spines.
Shown here, left to right: Colin Pellow, Account Executive, CT/X-RAY/MRI & Connectivity, Canon Medical Systems; Michelle West, Radiology Manager, Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital; Chi Burt, Sales Specialist, Canon Medical Systems; Fatima Carvalho, Deputy Radiology Manager at Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital and Daniel Parr, X-ray Clinical Applications Specialist, Canon Medical Systems
Canon Medical Systems has a carbon-zero project in place. We have calculated the carbon footprint for each of our products to include manufacturing, shipping, delivery and average hospital energy used for the standard lifetime of the equipment as follows:
X-ray equates to 13 stoves and 50,781 litres of water