Advanced intelligent Clear-IQ Engine (AiCE)
Welcome to the age of AI-assisted CT
AiCE* is an innovative approach to CT reconstruction that uses Deep Learning technology to match the spatial resolution and low-noise properties of advanced model-based iterative reconstructions.
Trained using vast amounts of high-quality image data, reconstructed with an advanced MBIR algorithm, AiCE distinguishes true signal from noise to deliver exceptional images without compromising on dose.
AiCE has potential to aid in fast and confident clinical results by providing:
Low Noise
Natural Image Texture**
Sharp High Contrast Resolution
Clear Low Contrast Detectability
**Compared to MBIR
Reduced noise, finer grain size, sharper images
AiCE has been trained to reduce noise, boost signal to deliver sharp, clear and distinct images across many body regions.
High performance, highly economical
The Aquilion Lightning SP employs cutting-edge technology to optimise patient care and to accelerate clinical decision-making. Innovative features ensure that you can acquire high-quality images routinely at very low patient dose.
PUREVISION Detector Technology
The system’s 80 row 0.5 mm elements balance image quality, speed and patient dose delivering isotropic images in all planes.
Helicool X-ray Tube
- 5 MHU standard tube: Reliable Canon Medical Systems technology
- Liquid Metal Bearing: Modern “metal on metal” liquid bearing with superior heat dissipation
- 0.5 second rotation: Fast rotation speed improving workflow
New Anode also supports more mass and surface area which boosts efficiency.
Ultra Helical Scanning
Shifting from 64 to 80 detector rows with up to 160* slices with the Aquilion Lightning SP results in shorter scan times and higher quality imaging.
*coneXact double slice technology
Helping you economise on space and energy consumption
Aquilion Lightning SP has been thoughtfully engineered to meet today’s economic challenges.
With a gantry design focusing on smaller installation space and lower energy consumption, Aquilion Lightning SP provides you more space to work in.
**With small couch
Power saving
Aquilion Lightning SP incorporates a host of innovative adaptive power management technologies, helping you to decrease energy consumption to reduce your running costs while minimising your environmental footprint.