From starting a new venture with optimal investment to expanding your business to reach new horizons, Aquilion Start is the right choice for realising your business goals.
Aquilion Start has a small footprint and is easy to set up to give you a head-start in getting your business up and running quickly. Cutting-edge Japanese technology ensures high-quality images and minimal downtime.
SEMAR (Single-Energy Metal Artifact Reduction)
Improved visualisation of bone and soft tissue with single energy raw data based metal artifact reduction.
Save space
Aquilion Start has been thoughtfully engineered to meet today’s economic challenges. With a gantry design focusing on a smaller installation space and lower energy consumption, Aquilion Start gives you more space to work in.
Save power
Aquilion Start incorporates a host of innovative adaptive power management technologies, helping you decrease energy consumption and reducing running costs while minimising your environmental footprint.
Aquilion Start’s new minimal-click installation reduces software installation time and minimises downtime during maintenance and upgrades.