Upgrading patient services and speeding up diagnosis with new Ultimax-i imaging technology
Two new Ultimax-i multi-purpose digital C-arms from Canon Medical are now operational at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust located at Lincoln County Hospital and Pilgrim Hospital, Boston.
The two ‘three-in-one’ Ultimax-i angiography, fluoroscopy and radiography systems update 20-year old redundant systems to provide clinicians with modern imaging insights to perform patient procedures and deliver prompt diagnosis and treatments. For patients this means reduced waiting times and local appointments, removing the need to travel to other hospital locations outside their locality. This is especially beneficial to paediatric patients who can now remain in their region without the need to be transferred over long distances.
“The Ultimax-i was a unanimous choice by our radiologists and radiographers to update our fluoroscopy services,” states Nigel Allen, Radiology Operations Manager. “We have worked with Canon Medical for many years, who have proven to be responsive and deliver superb service. The first system at Pilgrim Hospital went live smoothly at the end of March 2020 and despite the arrival of the Coronavirus pandemic, our second system also achieved go-live on time shortly afterwards with building contractors, installation teams and applications training showing full commitment to ensure there were no delays in the installation process despite the pandemic challenges.”
He continues, “The Ultimax-i provides a super balance of low dose and exceptional image quality which the radiologists are extremely satisfied with. It is very intuitive to use and its versatility gives us interventional resilience as a back-up to our interventional suite should we be at full capacity or undergoing maintenance.”
“The Ulitimax-i manages gastrointestinal studies, interventional radiology and angiographic procedures via a multidirectional and interactive digital C-arm. This gives super flexibility, ultimate image quality and at low dose,” states Billy Erwin, Account Manager at Canon Medical Systems UK. “It has been a great case of two-way teamwork at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust to have the systems installed during a national emergency. We look forward to a continued partnership with the Trust and supporting the needs of the imaging team.”
Photo caption: Pilgrim Hospital, Boston welcomes two ‘three-in-one’ Ultimax-i angiography, fluoroscopy and radiography systems from Canon Medical. Pictured (L to R): Kelly Keir, Deputy Sister; Cesar Herrera, Senior Radiographer; Andrew Mayes, Applications Specialist at Canon Medical Systems UK; Dr Emmanouil Blevrakis, Consultant Interventional Radiologist; Nigel Allen, Radiology Operations Manager; Pieter Oberholzer, Service Engineer at Canon Medical Systems.