Canon Medical Systems recently sponsored the North East Ultrasound Study Day. This inaugural meeting attracted sixty attendees from across the north east of the country. Due to Canon’s sponsorship, and also the speakers at the Study Day offering their services free-of-charge, it was possible to offer the event free-of-charge to delegates.
The main organisers were Ben Stenberg, Consultant Sonographer at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Richard Morrell, Ultrasound Services Manager at Northumbria NHS Trust and Claire Casling, Advance Practitioner Sonographer at the RVI, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. In addition, Tracey Bellas and Jo Bertelson, Ultrasound Specialists at Canon Medical Systems were in attendance.
After the opening remarks by Ben Stenberg, Ms Khalida Jan, Consultant Sonographer at Sunderland Royal Hospital present in “Thyroid (BTA classification), what they are and why we should be using them”. This was followed by Dr. Tim Hoare, Consultant Radiologist at the RVI speaking on “Appendicitis and what to do and when it isn’t”. After the coffee break, there followed a lively debate on “The future of sonographic education: Provider versus Manager”, led by Simon Richards of Teesside University and Richard Morrell from Northumbria NHS Trust. The morning closed with a lecture by Dr. Andy McNeill, Consultant Radiologist at the RVI on “Fusion ultrasound, not just for intervention.”
The afternoon programme opened with Dr. Tracey Hughes Consultant Radiologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead speaking on “Gynae US perils and pitfalls, followed by a presentation from Dr. Richard Cooper, Consultant Radiologist, South Tyneside District Hospital on “Lumps and bumps”.
The meeting concluded with a questions and answers session. The session was chaired by Claire Casling, and included on the panel Richard Morrell, Simon Richards, Dr. Richard Cooper, Brian Allan, Ultrasound Service Manager, Newcastle NHS Trust and Jayne Richardson from South Tyneside District Hospital.
Ben Stenberg closed the meeting, and commenting on the day Ben said, “It was a fantastic day and great to see so many sonographers together from around the region with the appetite for educational events such as this. It is something I have wanted to set up for a long time and hopefully it will be the start of many more. Education and professionalism is so vital in maintaining and improving standards in patient care and I am glad others see it the same way and were prepared to give up their Saturday for the cause. And, of course, it would not have been possible without the excellent speakers and sponsorship from Canon, which was very much appreciated.”
Group photo of delegates and speakers at the Ultrasound Study Day, RVI Clinical Learning Centre
Canon Medical Systems has a carbon-zero project in place. We have calculated the carbon footprint for each of our products to include manufacturing, shipping, delivery and average hospital energy used for the standard lifetime of the equipment as follows:
Ultrasound equates to 1 stove and 3,415 litres of water